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Access Legislation


Outdoor Accessibility Guidance (2023)
This guide is designed to help make our outdoor places and spaces, routes and facilities more accessible, and outdoor experiences more inclusive, so they can be enjoyed by everyone. It is written for anyone managing land for public access and recreation, including land managers, community trusts, community groups and volunteers, access and recreation teams and owners. It will also assist anyone involved in designing outdoor spaces, planning outdoor activities and creating communication materials.


A Brief Guide to Laws Relevant to Outdoor Access in Scotland (Scottish Natural Heritage)
Quick reference guidance to the various legal powers and duties relevant for public outdoor access in Scotland. The guide provides a brief summary of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003, including subsequent Orders, various relevant statutory powers available for use by Local Authorities (some, but not all, of the powers are usable by National Park Authorities), and some other laws relevant to public access.

Comunities Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015
Communities Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015
The Community Empowerment Act will help to empower community bodies through the ownership of land and buildings, and by strengthening their voices in the decisions that matter to them.  It will also improve outcomes for communities by improving the process of community planning, ensuring that local service providers work together even more closely with communities to meet the needs of the people who use them.

Frequently Asked Questions about Statutory Access Rights in Scotland (Scottish Rights of Way Society)
Fourteen frequently asked questions about statutory access rights in Scotland.

Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 (Legislation.Gov.Uk – The National Archives)
The 'Act' providing established statutory rights of responsible access, known as Scottish access rights to most land and inland water for outdoor recreation, crossing land and some educational and commercial purposes.

Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2016
Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2016
The updated 'Act' providing established statutory rights of responsible access, known as Scottish access rights to most land and inland water for outdoor recreation, crossing land and some educational and commercial purposes.

Scottish Outdoor Access Code (Scottish Natural Heritage)
'Know The Code Before You Go' - the new and official website for the 'Scottish Outdoor Access Code' providing practical guidance for everyone, guidance for access management and the 'ACT' and the 'Access Code'.

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