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Evaluating Interpretation (Paths for All)
Basic guidance to why, when and how to evaluate if interpretation is effectively working or not.

Interpretation - Good Practice Guidelines (Paths for All)
Good practice checklist about producing good quality, effective interpretation.

Interpretive Planning (Paths for All)
Basic guidance about the planning process that helps to produce good quality, effective interpretation.

Making Interpretation Accessible to All (Paths for All)

Path Grading Symbols (Scottish Natural Heritage, Forestry Commission Scotland, Paths for All)
Use these path grade symbols alongside the grade specifications chart and graphic design guidelines in the Path Manager's Guide for Grading. The symbols are available as jpeg and vector image files. Use the symbols to illustrate the grade of path on a leaflet, interpretation panel, online map resource, etc.

Producing Interpretive Panels (Paths for All)
Basic guidance about how to produce good quality, effective interpretation panels.

Writing Effective Interpretation (Paths for All)
Basic guidance to writing effective interpretation that tells a story and uses a range of creative techniques to bring a site or object to life.


Community Path Leaflets Design Guidelines (Cairngorms National Park Authority)
Design guidelines providing good information about how well designed path leaflets in communities will encourage more people to use local paths. The guidance helps communities through the process of developing a path leaflet that will show what the community has to offer and encourage responsible behaviour.

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