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SVQ's Environmental Conservation under threat! 2012

The Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) are planning to withdraw several SVQ qualifications in Environmental Conservation

Mar 14 2012

The Cairngorms Outdoor Access Trust (COAT) have recently been informed that Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) are planning to withdraw several SVQ qualifications in Environmental Conservation due to lack of numbers taking these qualifications in recent years. COAT is obviously very concerned as the SVQ qualifications are what their trainee path workers aim to achieve under their SVQ Path Skills Training Programme.

COAT has asked SATIN members to support them in asking the SQA to keep these important work-based competency qualifications.

In late 2011 Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) made the decision, following consultation and an analysis of the sector, to withdraw the Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQ) in Environmental Conservation Level 2 and Level 3:

Since this decision was made the SQA have become aware of a renewed interest, which they need to quantify, and so have decided to consult again on the potential demand for SVQ's in Environmental Conservation.

SQA would be extremely grateful if you could spare a few minutes to respond to the survey via this link:

complete the SQA survey here

All responses will be treated in confidence. If at all possible please respond by Friday 10th August 2012. Thank you for your time.

If you know of other organisations with an interest in Environmental Conservation please forward this news article to them as it is crucial to try and capture the full extent of the potential market for these important work-based competency qualifications.

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